Philosophy and Structure
A child is a very precious gift from God. At Little Sonbeams Christian Preschool, we believe that the care and nurture of every child is a sacred trust. We consider it a privilege and responsibility to serve our community by offering a quality preschool program.
Each child will be encouraged to develop at his/her own pace through individual as well as group instruction. Each child is unique. God has given to each child his or her own set of talents and gifts. These gifts are life seeds that begin to grow as they are given the proper nurture.
Our program offers a wide variety of experiences that appeal to children. These experiences are designed to stimulate a child's interests and preapre him or her for kindergarten. Our greatest hope for each child is that he or she will form a positive attitude toward learning, school, him or herself, and others. We hope that each child will begin to see his or her life as important and how much God loves him or her in Jesus Christ.
Little Sonbeams Christian Preschool is sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church on a not-for-profit basis.
A Child's Rights
1. I have a right to be happy and to be treated with love in the classroom. This means that no one will laugh at me or hurt my feelings.
2. I have the right to be myself in the classroom. This means that no one will treat me unfairly because I am black or white, large or thin, tall or short, boy or girl.
3. I have the right to be safe in the classroom. This means that no one will hit me, push me, or hurt me in anyway.
4. I have the right to hear and be heard in the classroom. This means that no one will yell, scream, shout or make loud unnecessary noises.
5. I have the right to be forgiven.
6. I have these rights because God has created me and loves me.